The New York Times: How a Strangely Shaped Summer House Revived One Artist’s Practice

Press 02.18.2021
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Via The New York Times:

“When it was built, the house was barely 100 feet from the beach, but in 2015, the family enlisted the environmentally conscious design firm Cookfox Architects to set it back behind the coastal erosion hazard line — a move that kept the historic structure safe from the elements but also allowed for an additional, 3,300-square-foot residence, which is more in keeping with the oversize neighboring homes, to be constructed on the property. (Though the second home complements its older counterpart with its cubic shape, two-by-four wooden pool deck and hand-cut cedar plank facade.) Still, from the Double Diamond, which received a new copper roof and was raised above the dunes to its original height (over the years, its base had become buried under 10 feet of sand), the Atlantic remains clearly visible — and has made its way into Yarmosky’s paintings.”

Read the full article here: