Architectural Record: Google Opens New Headquarters Within—and Perched Above—a Historic Manhattan Freight Terminal

Press 02.23.2024
Image courtesy of Google.
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Via Architectural Record:

“Officially debuting earlier this week, Google’s 1.3-million square foot St. John’s Terminal building—new North American headquarters for the tech behemoth’s Global Business Operation—is also a significant upwards expansion. The ambitious adaptive reuse project adds a total of nine new floors of office and communal space to the original three stories of a sprawling existing podium: a brick-clad structure completed in 1934 by the New York Central Railroad that served as the southern terminus for a long-defunct elevated freight line that once ran along Manhattan’s West Side (famously reincarnated as the High Line).”

Read the full article here: Google Opens New Headquarters Within—and Perched Above—a Historic Manhattan Freight Terminal